
The Imambargah complex consists of two large halls which can seat approximately 500 people in each. There are toilet facilities on both the gents and ladies side along with a baby room and ladies extension.




Recently renovated the Mosque provides space for approximately 100 gents worshippers and about 15 female worshippers. Its walls are adorned with Islamic caligraphy and special lighting gives it a very spiritual feel.

Salaatul Jamaat is held every day for Dhuhrain and Maghribain Salaat for both ladies and gents.

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Muhammadi Madrasah

Muhammadi Madrasah is an institution for religious education provided to the children of the community. The first Madressa classes were conducted at home by the ladies of the community who helped children learn the recitation of Qur'an. In 1976 the first formal institution of Madrasah was started and classes were conducted on Sundays which gave the children the continuity in Qur'an that they required with introductions to other subjects such as Dinyat and Islamic History.


Muhammadi Nursery

Muhammadi Nursery is the other secular/religious educational institution of Birmingham Jamaat. it came into existence in 1989. It started off as a playgroup conducting sessions only in the mornings and had 25 registered children. The teachers worked on a voluntary basis, and no fees were charged for that first term. As local authority regulations require, the playgroup was open to both, Muslims and Non-Muslims alike, and this policy continues to date. With so man private and public playgroups within the area from which parents can choose, it is indeed a glowing testimony of the quality and standard of our Nursery, that we are able to attract children from within and outside the Jamaat.


M. E. School of Excellence

Birmingham Jamaat was one of the first Jamaats in the UK (and perhaps Europe) to embark upon the project of providing tuition for furthering our children's secular education so as to increase their chances in securing a place in one of the local grammar or independent schools.

The classes run on Saturdays offering subjects such as English, Maths, Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning. It caters for children from Primary School to A' levels.

Prayer Timings

Prayer 11/03 12/03
Imsaak 04:57 04:54
Fajr 05:07 05:04
Sunrise 06:31 06:29
Zohr 12:23 12:23
Sunset 18:05 18:07
Maghrib 18:15 18:17